Marshall Food4Kids is launching a 45-day Schwan's Cares fundraising campaign to raise $500 for this summer's food distribution program. The Schwan's fundraising program allows customers to send 20% their order cost to a charity of their choice. The purchase of an eCertificate online will donate 40% to the program. The donations will go towards the continuation of the Food4Kids program into the summer months. Food4Kids will be distributing food to Kindergarten through 2nd grade students six times throughout the summer. To participate in the fundraiser, orders can be placed on the Marshall Food4Kids fundraiser page or by calling the toll free number 1-855-870-7208 (Option 2) with campaign ID 9188. Existing Schwan’s customers must order online or over the phone to contribute to the fundraiser as at door sales do not count. To maximize your donation, purchase a $25 Schwan's eCertificate with $10 going to Marshall Food4Kids. One certificate per person per campaign can be purchased. The fundraising campaign runs from May 15 to June 29. After June 29 all purchases made through the campaign will give 5% of order costs to Marshall Food4Kids. Schwan's May catalog can be found below.
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PO Box 771, Marshall MN 56258
© 2014 - All Rights Reserved. Marshall Food4Kids is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
© 2014 - All Rights Reserved. Marshall Food4Kids is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.